Monday, November 28, 2005

Republicans are winning the war....

It seems in the past couple weeks, ever since the republicans have started fighting back against the unfair criticism, that they are winning the war over iraq. Many democrats were calling for immediate withdrawal, while only 16 percent of the american public agree with this. 49% say we should stay until the Iraqi government can provide for their own security. In addition, 55% of the american public say criticism hurts troop morale. While the democrats continue to say that criticism helps troop morale, only 21% of the public believe this to be true.
In addition to this, a week and a half ago, the House voted 403-3 not to immediately withdrawal troops from iraq. I know I didnt post on this earlier, but this was an ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT move by the republicans. It sure as hell pissed off the democrats because they were finally forced to put their opinions on paper. I just love how all the democrats and the press were calling it a "political stunt." And the use of rule 21 wasnt? HA! The democrats are all about political stunts, and the second the republicans just want them to put in their official stance on the war, they get all pissed off. Hahah, I love it!
Continuing with the republicans winning this war at home, cindy sheehan's protest only drew 200 people over the thanksgiving holiday, down from its near 12,000 the first time she was down there in crawford.
In yet another positive poll for the bush aministration, 56% of the american public believes that democracy will succeed in iraq. Really, thats quite astounding considering the lapdog biased media we have in this country. Don't believe me?...this proves it: only 33% of reporters believe that iraq will be a success. The liberal media is obviously out of touch with reality.
Bottom line, we will stay in iraq until the iraqis are able to take over (which they are already and have been doing), the republicans will and already are winning this war at home, and history will look back on this iraq war as a success (just keep in mind that our own constitution took 11 years to create, and we ended up fighting a civil war over it. also remember that lincoln was consistently criticized and urged to give up the fight, with protests and countless attacks from the minority party, and look how that turned out)....


At 3:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe reporters have less belief in the war's success because they are more in touch with current events then the general public and they are seeing whats obvious. Jeez, give up the liberal media bias, its complete bullshit. All of the major media outlets are owned by huge corporations including ones owned by rupert murdoch(fox) who is a self describing staunch conservative. Its funny because for every piece of mis-represented evidence that "shows" a liberal bias, theres a much more blatant and one that shows a conservative one. And when you have to analyze the outcome of one poll, while completely ignoring much more important ones (60% disapproval, 64% believe bush is misleading) its obvious you are picking roses from a shit pile. Im not sure, what is better, being honest and hurting troops morale, or being dishonest(this administrations mo)and pretending troops aren't dying for a fabricated cause? We'll leave that one to the philosophers.

At 10:03 PM, Blogger David said...

You seriously think that the reporters are more in touch with whats actually going on in iraq? Haha, you cant be serious. I'm sure every one of those reporters in this survey have never been to iraq. So, that is pure bullshit. And as for the liberal media bias, theres plenty of evidence for it.....but you just keep believing everything theyre putting out there, itll get ya far in life. And yes youre right about the polls, although its interesting to think about the fact that before the media continually bashed bush about everything pertaining to the war (unfairly for that matter) those poll numbers were nowhere close to where they are now. Hmmm, all you have to do is look at what the press has done to the president over the past couple months to see the blatant bias. That's ok though, stay under your rock. And I would enjoy hearing what your so called "fabricated cause" is. The fact is that we didnt go into iraq just for WMD's, the whole world believed he had them, including all your democratic buddies in congress, he had over 6 months to send them to syria, bush did not distort the intelligence, and the democrats will end up taking a hit for what theyre doing (we're already seeing it now that the bush admin finally is fighting back).

At 5:39 AM, Blogger James Mars said...

I love how liberals usually post anonymously so no one can take a look at their blog. What is this person's blog called I wonder. I love CNN.blogspot or Katie Couric rules.blogspot. As evidence that mainstream media is not bias this person points to Fox News, the one relatively impartial news source available, as evidence that media is mainly conservative. What a joke, Liberals despise Fox News because it is a place where an intellectually honest dialogue takes place about the issues. Fox would not be the highest rated cable news outlet (blowing away CNN) if the programming wasn't compelling. It is compelling because both sides of a given argument are presented there which makes for interesting TV. No one would watch if it were simply a platform for Republican talking points because that would be boring. People watch because conflict, in this case political debate, makes for interesting entertainment. Get a clue you anonymous leftie.

At 10:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ARE YOU BOTH SERIOUS!!!! you are calling me out of touch?!?!?! First off you are trying to say that the reporters started bashing bush and now support is down for the war(Im sure its not b/c theres been no progress on a war that was obviously based on picked and chosen intelligence). Support has been dropping for months upon months now, the media is just REPORTING (what they do) on whats happening, its easy to call that a bias when your president has messed up everything possible since the onset. And If you would like me to provide more evidence than just fox news as conservative bias I could fill this blog to capacity. Its just easy to point out a company where a rich, money grubbing facist like Murdoch hires a sneaky neo-con like Roger Ailes to purge liberals from his news organization then builds the whole thing as a propaganda machine. And since you both are probably clueless about what Im talking about, now we can see who really needs to get a clue. And just because some cocksucker goes on the record saying that he thinks saddam moved his WMD to syria(jeez haven't you guys given up this argument by now, there is NO EVIDENCE that there was an operable nuclear program, or any other programs for that matter, saddam hasn't had WMDs since WE SOLD THEM TO HIM) You know if the president has to lie on purpose about saddam buying uranium from niger as his evidence for WMDs in iraq, you know theres something fishy about that argument. Especially when his administration outs a CIA agent as revenge for being called out on it. And to whoever this "jmars" ididot is, I posted this anonymously because I DONT HAVE A BLOG YOU "JMORON".

At 9:52 AM, Blogger James Mars said...

You should make a blog my dear friend you obviously have a lot to say. You can call it
And your insult at the is a great example of lefty vitriol. You should try to calm down your gonna burst a blood vessel!

At 10:09 AM, Blogger James Mars said...

Oh, and after you're sufficiently calm you should go to and read and comment if you wish. I know it's hard but try to avoid the ad hominem attacks if you can. Sign a name in the text of your post if you want, so I may know which lefty im battling with.

At 4:06 PM, Blogger David said...

You're seriously calling media outlets besides Fox conservatively bias? haha, you are clearly delusional. Most liberals will even agree that almost all of the MSM is liberal. When you say that news just "reports" the news, you are clearly misguided. Consider this example:
Blitzer talking to former President Clinton on CNN:
BLITZER: So I assume that the answer is, yes, the war was a mistake. Is that your answer? CLINTON: You're trying to get me to make news, and I'm trying to educate people. It doesn't matter whether it was a mistake to go in or not at the time. I thought we should have let the U.N. inspectors finish.We are where we are. We can't undo what has happened. Fifty-eight percent of Iraqis voted in the last election. That's more than we had turn out in 2004. And we've got a lot of good people there working hard to train the security forces and the military forces.
BLITZER: That's my job. I'm a newsman. That's what I try to do, is make news. And you try to avoid news. That's your job.
So, please do not tell me the media has a conservative bias. That's the absolute biggest load of shit ive ever heard.
And clearly you have not read in depth about the CIA leak. Because if you had, you would know that, first of all, Bush had nothing to do with it, second of all, nothing was done was more on the course of: "yes, i've heard she was an undercover agent." I'm sorry but you have no evidence to back up your claim considering a 22 month investigation has found nothing except that libby lied about what took place. In case you didn't notice nothing was charged for the actual CIA leak...
Oh, and thanks to jmars, I usually dont have anyone helping me against these crazy crazy liberals :-)

At 5:22 PM, Blogger Kent said...

'There's been no progress on the war.'


'The media is just REPORTING (what they do) on whats happening...' No they are not. They are NOT REPORTING anything positive about what's happening.

The MSM barely reported the fact that 70% of Iraqi's went to the polls to vote for a permanent government last Thursday. Apparently what's more important is whatever the hell John McCain happens to be doing minute to minute.

But I can't get over the 'no progress' comment.


Good one, Anonymous. You're quite the jokester.


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