Using my free movie rentals from Movie Gallery yesterday, I rented Farhenhype 9/11. Let me tell ya, I was quite impressed. I saw farhenheit 911 when it came out on dvd, because some people in the dorm had it and swore by it. Well, I did some fact checking online, and found this: http://davekopel.com/Terror/Fiftysix-Deceits-in-Fahrenheit-911.htm It's very curious how Moore could call this a documentary when most of the movie is pure lies, deceits, and speculation. Anyways, thats old news, seeing as how his attempt to sway the election clearing didn't work :) So, back to farhenhype...basically just lays out all of the lies and gives clear evidence that the entire farhenheit is pure garbage. Last fall, some people I talked to after seeing farhenheit said that it should be mandatory viewing for anyone who wants to vote in the election. HA! HILARIOUS! Farhenhype should be mandatory viewing for anyone who saw farhenheit. I just think its pretty damn stupid that people would take moores word for everything, when there is clearly plenty of evidence to the contrary...and even worse place their vote based on what they saw in the movie! Hmmm, quite a bit like we see in the liberal media. Oh, and by the way, for all those that bash Fox News' Fair and Balanced reporting...Fox News is BLOWING THE OTHER CABLE NEWS NETWORKS OUT OF THE WATER!!! Did you know in the election coverage last year, fox news beat out the other three top news networks COMBINED by a wide wide margin. I just think its funny that because a station has no left wing bias it is considered to have a right wing bias. Anyways, I really dont mean to get to political in my blog but some things just bother me.
you know rupert murdoch (australian billionaire, socailist hating, right-wing stalwart) hired Roger Ailes to head the fox news division simply because of his involvement in some of the sleaziest right wing scams of the 90s and his first order of buisness upon the beginning of the 24 hour Fox news channel was a purging of liberals from the ranks, I wonder why he would do that if fox so innocently has no bias. You are incredibly misinformed
First of all, I have no idea what in the hell you're talking about, so more power to you.
Secondly, regardless of the bias any of the networks has, fox news is still obliterating the others in rankings....
wow doesn't take much evidence for you to back off of the whole "fox is dead center no bias" bullshit, but I guess thats not the point, its more that they like to say things that make you feel better about your views on the country and the government whether or not they have one of the worst reputations when it comes to accurate journalism. But I guess we just discovered why they have the highest ratings of any 24 news channel, and its not hannity's crazed teen girl following
Hmmm, not sure when i did that, but ok...if you say so.
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