Monday, November 07, 2005

West Wing Debate

So, I normally never watch the West Wing. However, last night I just happened to be watching Dateline, and left the tv on nbc, thus giving me the West Wing. They did something unique last night. It was a live show in which they had a Presidential debate. It was actually pretty cool, because at the beginning of the debate, the republican candidate asked that they remove all of the rules of the "debate" and have a real debate, "as Abe Lincoln did." Don't know if you watched the last actual presidential debates, but they're clouted by so many rules (for example the candidates cannot talk to each other, or ask each other questions, they all get exactly equal time, which is kept track of by three lights). Basically, they're not really debates. But this tv show did something different. They showed the candidates in an actual debate, where you were able to see the actual views of the candidates, and not just memorized lines. Oh how I wish we could see this in the next presidential election. Of course, everyone will say that if the debates were this way, bush would have lost them, because as we all know, hes not the best public speaker. However, bush can connect with people on a personal level much more than kerry, so who knows what would have happened. Anyways, I just thought it was a cool show.


At 1:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lets keep in mind that many of the added rules were done so by the bush party during the debates because they know he can't hold his own. Things as miniscule as the temperature of the room were fought for by bush's team. Their argument was apparently kerry is a "sweater" and women don't like that. We know what would happen if bush had to honestly debate even the most mediocre of liberal minds


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