Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The Iran situation is really starting to scare me

In case you've been hiding under a rock, in the past few months the idea of what to do about Iran has come into the spotlight. Iran is bent on creating a nuclear program. They say they have the right to produce nuclear power, and that is all this program is used for. However, most of the rest of the world is worried they may be doing this to create nuclear weapons. With the rhetoric of the leader of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, saying israel should be whipped off the map, a nuclear iran worries me. The general idea is that if iran is allowed to continue as they are, they could have a nuclear weapon in a couple years. I dont think they would hesitate to use it if provoked at all by israel or anyone else in the world. This could obviously be a very scary situation. It doesn't help the matter that Russia is selling Iran advanced Tor-M1 systems capable of destroying guided missiles and laser-guided bombs from aircraft. Apparently Israel is planning to have their troops ready by march for an attack on secret uranium enrichment sites in Iran. I guess we'll have to see how this plays out, but it certainly seems like diplomacy is the way to handle both iran and north korea.


At 10:40 AM, Blogger Ryan S. said...

You should sign up for GOP & College's College Conservative Blogroll

At 7:51 PM, Blogger David said...

done and done

At 2:31 PM, Blogger Kent said...

I remind my readers all the time @ RightFromLeft about John Kerry, while running for President, advocated a position of giving Iran nuclear fuel AND trusting them not to use it.

David, you err when you say that 'Iran could be nuclear in a couple of years.' My friend, they Iran could be nuclear in a matter of weeks.

The non coverage of this story by the MSM is shocking. One would think that each and every mention of Iran would be accompanied by the statement: 'President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, was a key architect of the capture and kidnapping of 444 American hostages in Tehran back in 1979...'

It will be interesting to see how President Bush responds to this threat.

At 6:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"One would think that each and every mention of Iran would be accompanied by the statement: 'President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, was a key architect of the capture and kidnapping of 444 American hostages in Tehran back in 1979..."



At 5:14 PM, Blogger Kent said...

I stand corrected.


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