Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Immigration protests

So, I'm sure most of you know by now about the massive protests in LA a few days ago. I have a problem with that though.

Some of the things I heard on the media from the protestors:

"We're Americans too." Um, sorry, but no you're not. You're here illegally, you're NOT an American. Hopefully soon it will be a felony for you to be here.

"But we pick your food." You don't have to. I would be delighted to pay more for my potatoes, apples, etc. if it meant that an American was picking it.

"Bush is the worlds worst President." Yeah, I've heard that one already. Dont like it? Then go home!

Here's my other problem with this. We have half a million illegal aliens all in the same spot, basically saying "Hey, we're all here illegally." My question is this: why in the hell did they not start arresting them? Probably 95% of the people there are not Americans, and snuck into this country. They have NO right to protest!!!! Why are they allowed to do such and not be arrested?

Don't get me wrong, I am all for immigration. That is what this country was founded on, and what sets us apart from the rest. That said, I am for LEGAL immigration. Maybe if the Mexicans all didn't sneak across the border they wouldn't have a quota of zero, and could actually come here legally. Hopefully this will be the case someday soon.

Once again, it may not be the most popular move, but at least Bush is trying to do something about this situation.

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At 5:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you couldnt of said it better. im all for stopping these aleins and not letting anymore of them in our country

At 10:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw that protest on Spanish TV with my girlfriend. She's Mexican, a legal citizen. Myself also a legal immigrant from Honduras. And I must say we were appalled by what we saw and heard. The mainstream station probably showed a couple minutes of it but Telemundo and the other Spanish stations showed it live, uncensored.

First of all, there's a distinction between "legal" immigration and "illegal" immigration.
Legal immigration = good.
Illegal immigration = bad.
Somehow the media and the half a million protestors didn't know the difference.

But about the protest. First, we were insulted by the protestors waving the Mexican flag. I know you should be proud of your heritage, but that shows disrespect to your adoptive homeland. Second, the burning of the American flag(s). I'm proud to call the US my home country and like any one with common sense you DO NOT burn the symbol of your home - a home that provided so much for you and your family. Third, the chanting of "This land is Mexico! And for Mexicans only!" Even as a non-white I found that statement to be ignorant and racist. Those protestors if anything they accomplished is created a backlash against all Hispanics both legal and illegal. Of course, I would n't expect any of them to care.

At 11:32 AM, Blogger David said...

Well thanks for that info, honestly I had no idea. The thing is, there is a legal way to immigrate (although not right not for mexicans because they all cross illegally). I agree with you, the bottom line is that the border needs to be shut, for security reasons if nothing else. I'm not sure where you're coming from on the collapse of the government thing. Americans would still be allowed to travel there. Maybe you're talking about people here illegally sending money home?

And I agree with you about nobody doing too much about it. But, hey, some progress is good progress.


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