Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Katrina response

As more details emerge on what really happened after the hurricane hit, it's clear that reports were overblown and many times completely false. For example, mayor nagin said there were murders and rapes in the superdome. This in fact, is not the case at all. There were no murders inside the stadium. Nagin also said "there are babies dying." In truth, there are no known deaths of any babies. There were rumors of 30-40 bodies stuffed inside a freezer at the superdome...once again, not true. The biggest one here though is....that the federal government was slow to respond. In fact, the federal government responded faster than hurricane andrew, hugo, francine, the list goes on....But do you see the liberal media talking about the fact that these stories have been proven to be untrue? Hmmm, correct answer here is, NO....just like the media, they'll never change...
For the whole story, click here.


At 1:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Instead of nit picking over things like what kind of stories have been misreported or how inflated someone might've made the death toll, lets stick to the important argument being made. If bush were a little more interested in hiring qualified people to run federal agencies as big or important as FEMA, as apposed to hiring an ol' buddy from his hip shooting days, maybe a qualified applicant would've done a better job of organizing an emergency response. I think running horse shows sounds like a dandy job but its not so much the past line of work I would like the head of FEMA to put on his resume. Then again, a lot of horse shit can cause a real crisis, hell the white house based a war on it and now nearly 2000 americans have died overseas and tens of thousands more are coming home with PTSD

At 5:36 AM, Blogger David said...

You call reports of rapes, homicide, and dead children nit picking? Give me a freakin break. I just love how the media will report a story as true without any evidence or proof to back it up.

At 10:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, this was human tragedy and an urban disaster above and beyond anything thats happened in America before, and don't give me that death toll crap because regardless of the death toll, the destruction of a high population center like that just hasn't happened. So whether or not there were rapes is secondary to whether the response was adequate or not to alleviate the suffering and restore peace. Obviously it was not, and an investigation into the federal govt's response would already affirm what we know now. That FEMA mishandled the whole thing as well as other memebers of the federal govt.

At 1:39 PM, Blogger David said...

I see, so it was ALLLLLLLL the federal governments fault...even though, when you look at the cold hard facts of the laws surrounding this, almost all of the burden of response, at least initially, falls under the responsibility of the state and local governments....but the lovely democratic mayor and governor wouldnt know anything about that now would they?


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