Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Driving down the road

So I was driving home from school the other day, and on the car in front of me I saw a magnet that said "Question war" in the shape of a question mark. Now, I would have no problem with this except that it was yellow and clearly designed to look like the yellow ribbon magnets that say "Support our troops."

It led me to think, can't they find other ways of questioning the war? If you want to make a magnet, or bumper sticker, or whatever, that's fine. But these were clearly supposed to mock and directly contradict the Support our Troops magnets. Thus, the designers and buyers of these in my view do not respect those who support our troops. Why is that?

Now some of you might say this is a stretch, and I'm just complaining because this person obviously doesn't agree with the war. This is not true. I absolutely respect their right to an opinion, and if it was just a bumper sticker or other magnet, I would have no problem. But when it is designed to contradict supporting our troops, I do have a problem.

Whether or not you agree with the war, you should support our troops. We have brave men and women over there. Much more brave than I am and ever will be. Magnets such as this do nothing but mock our troops and those who support them. My question is, what do others think of this?


At 7:36 PM, Blogger Steve said...

There's nothing we can do about it. It's a parody thing. They take a common idea and do it differently so you take notice at the shape.

Back in the early 90's Denzel Washington won an Oscar for portraying Malcolm X. Back the then the whole Oscar group wore red ribbons for AIDS. Denzel wore a black suit and a purple tie, AND a purple ribbon for some other cause that was totally made up. It was a bit strange and I still remember it for some reason.

We could use another voice on Bring It On. There are 4 regular Right writers including myself and a whole bunch of lefties. It gets intense, it get's pretty violent but you get your message across. You are a strong writer so there shouldn't be any problem. Here's the address: www.teambio.org

All you have to do is cross post what you write here to that site in your diary. We'll take care of promoting it and getting you hits. Ya might make the center main blog if they vote up your post. I have been on the center twice. Major hits back to my blog.

At 7:31 AM, Blogger David said...

Done and done. Thanks for the info. It is a very liberal site though. Maybe we can bring some balance to all the bs.

Interesting side note. While introducing myself to the site, I saw one of their advertising banners selling the very same magnets that this post was about!

At 9:01 AM, Blogger James Mars said...

I found an interesting take on this sort of subject in the LA Times Opinion pages. Left leaning columnist Joel Stein points out that if you don't support the war in Iraq then you shouldn't run around proclaiming that, "We support our troops". So many Dems have expressed the duplicitous position of being against the war but for the troops that I find it refreshing when Mr. Stein has the courage to point out that if one is against the war then they should not say they support the troops.

Here are some highlights from the Joel Stein article entitled “Warriors and Wusses”:

"I DON'T SUPPORT our troops. This is a particularly difficult opinion to have, especially if you are the kind of person who likes to put bumper stickers on his car.
…If you think invading Iraq was a good idea, then by all means, support away. Load up on those patriotic magnets and bracelets and other trinkets the Chinese are making money off of. (but)…being against the war and saying you support the troops is one of the wussiest positions the pacifists have ever taken — and they're wussy by definition. It's as if the one lesson they took away from Vietnam wasn't to avoid foreign conflicts with no pressing national interest but to remember to throw a parade afterward. … Blindly lending support to our soldiers, I fear, will keep them overseas longer by giving soft acquiescence to the hawks who sent them there”

Now this is a leftie position I can at least respect, if not agree with.


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