Economy Adds 211,000 Jobs in March; Unemployment Rate at 4 1/2 Year Low
The post title says it all here.
Apparently an "accelerating economic expansion is putting companies in the hiring mood, brightening prospects for job seekers." Well, that's good news, right? Not only that, but the jobs were spread out over virtually all sectors of the economy.
Bush said, "Some are now proposing that we raise taxes either by repealing the tax cuts or letting them expire," he said. "These are the same politicians who told us that letting the American people keep more of their own money would be reckless and irresponsible. They were wrong then and they are wrong now."
But, hey, the economy's still in the dump, right?
Does anyone here think Bush's approval ratings will go up because of this? I certainly don't. He gets absolutely no credit for anything good, and takes all the hits for anything bad.
Tags: Bush Economy, Taxes
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