Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Judge Roberts confirmation

So, the senated committee is sure giving it to judge roberts. After watching some of this, I've decided i really like roberts. He's got a level head and seems to be a great judge. By the way, senator biden (d-de) is a freakin idiot. Basically, he tried to get judge roberts to tell what he felt about the abortion issue, as there are several cases pending the court about this. Roberts basically said he would not give the way he would rule on a case before it was decided (makes sense right). He said its not fair to those arguing the case or the court itself for him to already give the way he would judge in his confirmation hearing. Haha, this cracks me up, Biden is a freaking whiny idiot. The leader of the committee has told him four different times to let the judge answer his question because he keeps interupting him. Biden whines back, "but i have no time left." (In addition to that, biden, who was given 30 minutes total, spoke for his first 8, asking no questions, then went on to complain that he didn't have enough time). Haha, I wish everyone could be watching this right now, it's quite hilarious. Biden also pulled out a memo from, get this....1982!!!!!!!!!! Yes, 23 years ago! Basically he (actually the people working for him) went through every single piece of paper Roberts has ever touched, and pulled out tiny little specific words and phrases to criticize him on. Hell, I can't even remember some of the things I wrote last semester.


At 10:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the point the senate dems are making is that the white house continues to keep records about john roberts and cases he has worked on classified, when you couple that with the fact that he refuses to answer any questions about his views on ANYTHING, it becomes a little suspect, especially when you are electing a 50 year old for a life long appointment to the most powerful judicial postion in the country, it just seems right that he would give a little insight into what hes done with his life and what he plans on doing with this position. though its pretty obvious, he was nominated by the red state crusader

At 8:46 PM, Blogger David said...

haha, well, regardless of what you think, he was confirmed in committee, and will be approved in the senate.

At 10:10 PM, Blogger David said...

oh, and by the way, all the dems on the nominee committee said he was pretty much the best candidate theyve ever interviewed.


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