Sunday, September 11, 2005

Everything is Bush's fault

Yes, it is indeed true that everything wrong with this world is George W. Bush's fault, at least that's what everyone seems to believe. Katrina was all his idea and of his creation, in order to starve and kill the poor black people of New Orleans, because after all Bush must hate poor black people.
The truth of the matter is this, all jurisdiction over the Katrina relief falls under the responsibility of the state and local government, which MISERABLY FAILED! The governor did NOT ALLOW in national guard troops. The Louisiana department of homeland security did NOT ALLOW in members of the Red Cross who were ready with supplies to go in the day after the hurricane hit. FEMA WAS NOT ALLOWED to go into the city by the state and local governments. The idea apparently was that instead of going in and feeding these poor starving people, they should instead evacuate them. Well, maybe thats a good idea, and the mayor could have, oh I dont know, follow the evacuation plan already in place! Oh, thats right, the hundreds of busses that were supposed to bus these people out of the city before the hurricane were left in a huge lot that was then flooded. These busses were less than a mile from the superdome!

Now, tell me where Bush's fault is in all of this? The federal government HAD NO JURISDICTION to go into New Orleans without the permission from the state and local governments. These governments DID NOT give permission to the federal government. Again, I ask, why is everything always Bush's fault?


At 9:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everything is not Bush's fault. It's everyone's fault. Take a look at my take on this. Maybe you can clear things up for me.


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