Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Four bucks a gallon? Oh my!

Analysts expect us to be paying $3 a gallon this summer, and $4 next summer. Four freaking dollars for a damn gallon of gas. Absolutely ridiculous. How in the hell am I supposed to afford this?

When watching O'reilly tonight, I heard some interesting facts. Gas supplies are at an 8 year high. Yet, gas prices have doubled since 2004. In just two years! DOUBLED. How is this not price gouging? Obviously it doesn't have much to do with supply and demand.

So, how do they get away with this? Excuse after excuse. After Katrina, I could maybe understand a little bit. But then it was the "civil war" in Iraq. Now its apparently Iran and summer. Or just an overall "unsettlement" in the middle east. Bottom line, there will never be a lack of excuses. There will always be something going on in the world that can be a "reason" for higher gas prices. This will never change.

In addition, Exxon-Mobile gave a retiring CEO or some other big wig a $400 million retirement plan. I'm sorry, but no one is worth that. Especially when that money is coming from overpriced gas.

Just like O'Reilly, unless I'm desperate, I will never again buy a drop of Exxon-Mobile oil, and I encourage others to do the same.

Tags: Gas, Oil, Iran, Exxon Mobile, Iran, O'Reilly,


At 6:43 PM, Blogger Steve said...

If you think you are getting interesting facts on O'Reilly, than I see the problem already. How long are you guys going to listen to idiots like O'Reilly and Limbaugh? These people are just feeding you Kool-Aid. They are happy to collect their multimillion dollar paychecks and say whatever bullshit helps peole like you sleep at night. You sit there and talk about the price of gas? Get your butt over to Iraq and you can ride a Hummer free of charge.


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